The Process Or Result Of Something Being Spouted
The term “spouting fire” describes one of several possible uses for the gushing forth of lava from a volcano’s eruptive vents. The lava is often referred to as “volcanic rock” or “calcic rock.” The majority of eruptions result in the ejection of large amounts of rock and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, where it circulates around the globe until falling back into the volcano once it has cooled. The more venting of lava the more likely that large amounts of sulfur dioxide will be in the air, therefore causing the characteristic spouting. The most typical venting occurs when a volcano is erupting and may involve explosive activity which thrusts the lava and rock into the air.
The Majority of Eruptions Result in the Ejection
Spouting can take many forms. In this usage, a verb is normally implied, though not always. For instance, I had heard recently of a young lady at a party who would stop spouting once everyone asked her a question. It could be that she was embarrassed at having to speak in public, but it seemed more appropriate to use the word “stop” rather than “spout.”
In some contexts, I suppose the verb “to spout” is preferable, even if the person is not necessarily aware of this capability (the expression, “to spray,” means to spray something). I have used both the verb “to spout” and the word “stop spouting” while conducting my research and writing this article, and I found that the former did capture some of my intended meaning. For instance, I wrote, “The guttering was clear, and the water had come down about forty inches, but there was still the snore.” The “guttering” here refers to the water pipe and spout, and “the water had come down about forty inches, but there was still the snore.” I found that this explanation made much more sense to me in light of what I had read.