Electric Fencing for Bears
The most effective way to deter bears from your property is with a properly designed, built and maintained electric fence.
A battery-operated, AC-powered electric fence energizer sends Electric Fencing for Bears through the fence wires to create an electrical circuit that delivers a shock whenever a bear touches it. A variety of energizers are available, but for a portable fence it’s recommended to use one with a joule rating of 0.25 or higher. Joule ratings are determined by electrical engineers and tell you the amount of power the fence will deliver.
Make sure your energizer is not visible to a bear – it can be hidden from view behind a gate or other structure. The lowest wire should be 7 – 9 inches above the ground to ensure that a bear trying to go under the fence will get shocked. If you have multiple wires on your fence, space them 8 – 10 inches apart.
Electric Fencing for Bears: A Reliable Deterrent
If your soil is sandy or gravelly, place a 3-foot wide strip of chicken wire or hog panel (grounding apron) under the fence to complete the electric circuit when a bear steps on it. Keeping your grounding rod(s) and grounding apron clear of vegetation is also important.
Check your electric fence regularly to find and repair problems, such as a broken insulator or vegetation touching the lower wires. Use a voltage meter (fence tester) to get an accurate reading, not just your finger. You can purchase a voltmeter at some hardware stores or online.…